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Nancy I. Lashine

Managing Partner & Founder

Series 7, 24, 63, 79

Ms. Lashine is the Founder and Managing Partner of Park Madison Partners, a boutique real asset private equity placement firm. The firm is a leading advisor to investment management firms on their business strategy. Park Madison is headquartered in New York City and is a FINRA regulated broker dealer.

Ms. Lashine has over 35 years of real estate and investment marketing experience. Prior to forming Park Madison Partners, Ms. Lashine was a strategic consultant advising leading institutional real estate investment managers on product development and the implementation of institutional marketing initiatives. Clients included Lehman Brothers, Angelo Gordon, ING Clarion, Sentinel Real Estate and JER Partners.

Ms. Lashine was an early member of The O'Connor Group (1985-1995) and began her finance career at LF Rothschild, Unterberg and Towbin (1981-1985).

Ms. Lashine earned her MBA at Columbia University Graduate School of Business, and a BFA, cum laude, from Case Western Reserve in Dance Theatre. She serves on several Boards including the Columbia MBA Real Estate Advisory Board, the Gibney Dance Center Board, and is a past board member of the Pension Real Estate Association. She is a member of ULI and WX (Executive Women in Real Estate).

& Answers

How did you get into real estate?

As a young girl growing up in Manhattan, I wanted to be a Congresswoman... until I worked on Capitol Hill. Then I wanted to be a vegetable farmer... until I worked on a farm my freshman summer in college. Next, I decided to become a modern dancer... until I had to pay my own rent. And so, I went to business school where I naturally gravitated towards entrepreneurs. At that time, real estate was the most entrepreneurial endeavor I knew, and so I looked for a real estate job when I graduated.

Why did you start Park Madison Partners?

With small children, I found that the best way to balance my professional life with being a wife and a mom was to work for myself. There were ten years when my children were young and I needed the flexibility that being your own boss afforded, but I really missed having partners. And so, as soon as my family life allowed, I started Park Madison Partners with the goal of creating a group of partners who could serve our clients in unique and effective ways.

What is the culture of Park Madison Partners?

The shared values of Park Madison Partners are: Integrity, Teamwork, Trust, Respect, and Success. If you know us, this defines us. And I hope you get to know us.